Counterfeit Goods
Buying online from a non-authorised reseller via an auction site such as ebay (eBay Inc.), or an e-commerce web shop comes with a lot of risk. Though the counterfeit product and packaging may look similar; the materials used, quality of build and overall sound reproduction will always be inferior to a genuine beyerdynamic product.
Especially in terms of sound quality, the counterfeit products cannot compete with beyerdynamic custom-made drivers, which are manufactured with decades of experience at the German production facility. Acoustical measurements have
proved that the audio performance of all counterfeit products were significantly worse. This is especially evident in a very uneven bass response and poor high frequency resolution.
Generally, counterfeit goods may not only have poor sound quality, but may also fail to work at the time of your purchase arriving. In addition to the above, when faced with such issues, rarely will you have any product guarantee or opportunity to resolve the issue with the seller.
To make matters more difficult, often sellers of counterfeit products will continually close the listing and relist under different listing names with different contact details, making it almost impossible to seek any resolve.
They may also state that the advertised goods are shipped promptly at time of purchase and/or within Australia. Upon purchase you may then find that the goods are being shipped outside of Australia, either from China or other regions outside from their stated shipping location, with longer than expected delays.
The same can be said for non-genuine spare parts; be it earpads, headband padding, cables or other parts. Being non genuine, there is no guarantee of the parts performance, or for that matter what the parts are made of. This may not only impact on performance, but also safety.
No Warranty:
Understandably we are unable to offer any beyerdynamic guarantees, service or warranty in connection with any non-genuine or counterfeit products purchased.
Counterfeit: – How can I tell?
The purchase process.
Firstly it is important to note that when it comes to the sale of counterfeit goods, often the buy-now pages will (illegally use), beyerdynamic logos, product and lifestyle images and in some cases, a copy/paste of original text. All this to help display the item for sale as being a genuine beyerdynamic product.
PRICE: Also when it comes to the listed price; the old saying of, “if it’s too good to be true”, may be correct. In other world, when products are advertised for sale at a lower price compared to other authoriser resellers, chances are that it may not be a new or genuine product being offered for sale.
SHIPPING: Another sign to beware of is when the goods are shipped from a different location to what was specified at the time of purchase.
Australian Dealer Logo
We always recommend buying beyerdynamic from an authorised reseller, this guarantees that you are buying a genuine product. In addition, buying from a local authorised reseller ensures you of local after-sale support if and/or when support is needed. This link gives you a list of local authorised resellers.
Australian Authorised Resellers - Click Here
Delivery of your purchase:
Listed below are some of the tell-tale signs of a product being counterfeit.
- Product packaging looks poor in quality or is damaged.
- The external packaging has poor printing on the outside of the box.
- The printed text and/or logo colour looks unusual.
- The outside packaging has spelling mistakes.
- The purchased product has no instruction manual or guarantee.
- The purchased product looks poor in quality.
- The purchased product has a poorly printed name or logo.
- The purchased product has spelling mistakes.
- The delivery has no invoice or paperwork with the shipment.
- The invoice or paperwork has different or unusual details.
Counterfeit: – How can I avoid counterfeit products?
As stated above.
We always recommend buying beyerdynamic from an authorised reseller, this guarantees that you are buying a genuine product. In addition, buying from a local authorised reseller ensures you of local after-sale support if and/or when support is needed. Again, this link gives you a list of local authorised resellers.
Australian Authorised Resellers - Click Here
Counterfeit: – What if I have concerns about a purchase?
If you have any concerns about the legitimacy of your purchase, please contact us to discuss your concerns. We are more than happy to assist you further in your enquiry. Contact Us
If you have unfortunately purchased a counterfeit product, we advise that you contact us and at the same time try to contact the seller to request that the seller refund your purchase in full.
In addition to this, most online auction sites and e-commerce platforms have dedicated areas and contact links to report such transactions. We strongly advise that you contact the said platform and advise them of any purchase that involves a product that is counterfeit.
As always, if you have any further questions in relation to our products, we are here to assist you further; simply click on the following link. Contact Us