It comes as no surprise that the Amiron home has been awarded this coveted award from WHAT HI FI for the forth time in a row.

In the opening text on the Amiron home page of our website we say;

[Amiron home is our invitation to pure musical enjoyment: just sit back in your favourite chair and let the sound carry you away.

beyerdynamic Amiron home

Never before has your living room sounded more like a real concert hall. Just hearing the first few notes will turn you into a dedicated fan of Amiron home, your superb musical companion that will bring you brilliant and reliable sound for many years to come.]

When listening to music with the Amiron headphones the stereo sound stage can be compared to the experience of listening to live music at a venue. 

For that matter the High Resolution audio quality that the Amiron is capable of delivering allows for your play list to come to life like never before; as if you're listing to a live performance as well.

beyerdynamic Amiron homeRounding off it's appeal is the exceptionally comfortable earpads and head-band; both delivering hours, and years of musical enjoyment with the utmost of wearing comfort. A solid investment!

If you're in the market for an exceptional headphone, look no further. After all, don't you deserve the best?

For more information on the Amiron and where to buy: Click Here

For the full WHAT HI FI review: Click Here

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